The Faraway
Popoki is off on a brand new adventure! Her dear friend, Oscar Wild Boar, has been captured by the northern trolls, and she is determined to chase them down and set him free again. Her journey takes her to some of the strangest parts of her little island, and she meets all kinds of delightful new friends–packs of wolves, parades of elephants, a tribe of goats, and a parliament of owls all help to guide Popoki through places like the Whisperwood, Lemongrass Bluff, the Wildlings Den, and the Windward Gap. But one place in particular, a place she is quite keen to visit, a place called the Faraway, always seems to be just around the next corner.
A note to parents: This book is for Middle Grade Readers. If you have read Popoki’s first adventure to your child, be advised that this book was written for slightly older children. And since that first book was published several years ago, this book might now be perfectly suitable. Enjoy!
The Adventures of Popoki: The Curious Kitten With a Crooked Tail
This is the story of Popoki, the curious kitten with a crooked tail. She lives in a cottage in the jungle with her friend Wyline. One day, she met a beautiful blue and green butterfly and followed her far into the jungle, away from the cottage, and a remarkable day filled with surprises and adventure followed!
A note to parents: This book is for early readers (Ages: 8-10)